
OpenCohort is a separate closely integrated with Silicon that categorizes users to support business applications, manage Web3 communities, and enhance social interactions with like-minded individuals.

Hyper-personalized, Decentralized

OpenCohort groups users with similar attributes in and out of the Web3 space to form cohorts, supporting various business applications.

Enterprises and creators can manage communities and memberships in a broader Web3 ecosystem.

User cohort data is securely stored on the blockchain, enabling individuals to expand their social activities into Web3 and connect with those with similar interests.

Open Cohort, Made For

Supporting creators interested in forming a project community on Web3.

Creators looking to launch new projects such as tokens or content on Web3 can use OpenCohort to precisely target their audience. They can run promotions like airdrops and incentives aimed at their target users.

This process also becomes the starting point for creating new cohorts, fostering continuous communication between creators and users, and providing an environment where the project can sustainably grow.

Supporting enterprises looking to expand their customer community into Web3.

Enterprises can expand customer communities into Web3, managing memberships, communities, and identity verification transparently through blockchain, while offering airdrops and incentives.

A positive feedback loop occurs as creators join to leverage the enterprise's cohort power. These creators provide targeted content and benefits, encouraging engagement from existing and potential customers, fostering loyalty, and promoting community growth.

Motivating all users through Web3 activity incentives.

Through OpenCohort, Users can express their identity and memberships based on their activities in games, media, and social interactions both within and outside the Web3 space, and connect with players who share similar interests.

Users’ social interactions create a foundation for the emergence of new projects by creators and enterprises, fostering a virtuous cycle of ecosystem growth through benefits and incentives provided to users.

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